Tuesday, March 27


hello people.

sekarang kawan ak tengah busy study paper record. haha. ak plak busy online jer. hehe. bukan ap, ak nie jenis yg x pelik sikit, ak study drpd org lagi senang masuk~ okei?? bkn ak x study langsung. huh.

actually, ak da x sabar da nk balik rumah. rindu parents, adek-adek, kawan-kawan n macam-macam :)
ak da plan macam-macam da for my holiday. i want to work, i want to have a new phone, i want to have a good time with my friends. and i want to claim my rights over someone. she owed me a KFC meal, Haagen Daazs ice-cream and a bar of Cadburry chocolate. hehe. so, i hoped she reads this entry.
but, before i can go home. me and my classmates are going to Melacca. plans are already planned. just hope everything will go as planned and harap-harap x jadi pape lah yg x elok :)
pape pon, still have to study for Foundation of Records Management's paper. well, kawan ak sorg nie tengah syok study smbil men game. Saiful Amir namenye~ ak study dgn die lah :)

so sekarang, its a waiting game. waiting for the Record's paper. waiting for it to end. waiting to have fun with my Segamat's classmate, waiting to get home, waiting to feel free again.